The Berkeley Political Economy Journal

The mission of this journal, the student-led Political Economy Journal, is to provide a platform for the circulation of high-quality research papers and essays authored by students, showcasing their scholarly contributions. The journal will employ a peer-review process for research papers and essays conducted by fellow students. Any papers relevant to the field of Political Economy will be eligible for submission. In addition to promoting student research, this journal will aim to keep readers informed about current events and developments in the dynamic realm of political economy, facilitating a deeper understanding of the subject and its real-world implications.

See below for guidelines for submissions or for applications for board member or copy editor positions.

Welcome to the submission guidelines for this semester’s edition of our peer-reviewed journal. We invite all interested contributors to participate in promoting vibrant scholarly discourse within our community.

We welcome research papers stemming from courses taken at UC Berkeley, as well as independent research papers. To ensure a comprehensive and insightful exploration of diverse topics, we request that submissions adhere to a maximum length of 3,000 words. This allows us to maintain the depth and quality of the published content while accommodating a wide range of subjects. Excerpts and/or summaries of senior theses are welcome.

Submissions will tentatively be open for the semester until further notice. We will conduct our reviews this semester and carry some onto next semester. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions as we collectively strive to enhance the intellectual discourse in this field.

Please submit your paper through this Google Form.

For any inquiries please contact us at:

Welcome to the Berkeley Political Economy Journal application portal for two critical roles: Editorial Board Members and Copy Editors. To learn more about these roles and submit your application, please proceed to our Google Application Form, where you will find detailed role descriptions. We look forward to reviewing your applications and welcoming new members to our dynamic team!

For any inquiries please contact us at:

Political Economy Major Map

Undergraduate Major Requirements & Policies

Undergraduate Major Requirements & Policies

The Berkeley Economy & Society Initiative (BESI)